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May Day or Mayday?

It’s finally the 1st of May!

For many of us, the last few weeks have seen the start of online schooling. We’ve had to become our children’s teachers, dinner ladies and classmates at the same time as attempting to hold down a day job or continuing to run our own businesses. Our children’s teachers have had to become overnight IT experts, project managers and webinar hosts at the same time as actually attempting to teach lessons.

It’s been tough and there have been many cries of “Mayday Mayday!!” – mainly from the parents and teachers. The children seemed to take it all in their strides – excited by the opportunity to sit in front of a computer all day and loving the fact that a virtual background and rotating their image by 90 degrees was enough to leave the poor teachers feeling seasick!

But it does feel like we’re heading for calmer waters.

My son attends a small school and there is a real sense of community between the teachers and the parents. My spirits have been lifted by the way everyone has pulled together, with courage, kindness, understanding and a will to succeed.

A few steps forward, a step backwards, two steps to the left, change direction and forwards again.

It’s all about having a positive mindset and I’m viewing the last two weeks as rehearsals – we each picked up a ribbon, helped each other to learn the steps and now we’re ready to dance around the Maypole, with our individual routines coming together to create something magical.

So long Mayday, May Day is here!!

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