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“Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?”

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the cat.

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

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ADHD coaching with Lisa has transformed my ability to get things done and feel in command of my business. Our course of coaching has boosted my confidence, creativity and resilience. I feel fired up to find solutions to my own problems, and I have a newfound belief in my ability to tackle complex situations and bounce back from challenges. I love Lisa's calm, reassuring manner, and her ability to be flexible and responsive, while following a structured approach. Working with Lisa has been the best investment I've ever made in my professional - and personal - development. 

Ettie Bailey-King, Founder, Fighting Talk

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What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It's a difference in how the brain functions from 'typical' brains.

What is ADHD Coaching?

ADHD coaching is a specialized form of coaching that focuses on helping individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. An ADHD coach works with clients to develop strategies to overcome the challenges associated with ADHD and to help them reach their personal, academic, and professional goals.

Do I have to have ADHD to work with you?

Absolutely not. Life Coaching can work for anyone as the approach follows the International Coaching Federation standards and ethics. I've just got additional training in ADHD specifically so I'm able to support fellow ADHDers with the unique challenges our Neurodivergent brains can bring.

How would Coaching work?

We'll start by having a 20-minute intro call.  This gives us a chance to say hi and check we gel.  I'll ask you some questions to get a basic understanding of why you're looking to work with an ADHD Coach right now.
If you'd like to go for it, you'll choose a Coaching Package that works for you.  We'll start with a Strategy & Planning session to figure out what your goals are for the Coaching sessions.
Then we'll have weekly Coaching sessions over Zoom or phone calls, where you'll choose the topic that you'd like to be coached on and I'll support you to find strategies to move forward.

What's the difference between Coaching and Therapy?

Therapy helps you to resolve issues from your past. Coaching works with you in the present and helps you find strategies to support your future. You might work with both a therapist and a Coach. Professionally qualified therapists and coaches work within the ethical guidelines of their governing bodies and will refer you to a different professional if needed.

Hi there, I'm Lisa, a Certified ADHD Life Coach (CALC).

I'm ADHD and Autistic, which means that my brain is wired differently. I’m at my best solving problems to a deadline. I can absorb information, process it on the spot and create innovative solutions for my clients.

But Autism and ADHD present challenges in the workplace - believe me, I know!  And that's why I trained as a Certified ADHD Life Coach through the International ADHD Coach Training Center in the USA. 

I will help you develop strategies to overcome your challenges associated with ADHD and help you reach your personal, academic and professional goals.

Photo of Lisa Kerr the ADHD Brain Coach


FREE Coaching Intro Call

20-minute Zoom / phone call to see if we'd be a good fit to work together

Intro to Coaching

What brings you to Coaching?

What you're struggling with right now

What you'd like to achieve from Coaching

Answer any questions you have

Explain next steps

4-week plan



4 sessions of ADHD Life Coaching

Weekly sessions

4 x 50-minute 1-to-1 coaching sessions

Over the phone or Zoom


Strategy & Planning Session

Executive Function Skills Test

Strengths Profile

Values Exercise

Available to book after Intro Call

3-month plan



12 sessions of ADHD Life Coaching

Weekly sessions

12 x 50-minute 1-to-1 coaching sessions

Over the phone or Zoom


Strategy & Planning Session

Executive Function Skills Test

Strengths Profile

Values Exercise

Available to book after Intro Call

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